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Bibliography in: A Companion to Birgitta of Sweden - Brill

Series Latina / accurante J.-P. Migne. Parisiis. tomus 1 (1844) - tomus 221 (1864), reprinted in the 1880s.

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Most are displayed as inline images once the user pulls up Patrologia Latina. Patrologiae cursus completus. Series Latina / accurante J.-P. Migne. Parisiis. tomus 1 (1844) - tomus 221 (1864), reprinted in the 1880s.

The website Type: Database of the Patrologia Graeca (source) Language: English, Greek, Latin. Elektronische versie van de eerste editie van de Patrologia Latina van Jacques- Paul Migne, gepubliceerd tussen 1844 en 1855, en de vier volumes met  Topicorum Aristotelis interpretatio: in Migne, Patrologia Latina, vol.

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ACT - Ancient Christian Texts [ site index] ACW - Ancient Christian Writers [ site index] ACW 19. Origen. Prayer, Exhortation to Martyrdom. Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 19, tr.

Alain de Lille -

Det innehåller allt förberedande material och originaltekster med kritiska kommentarer till källdokumenten. Det kan sökas med Patrologia Latina-databasen.

The Patrologia Latina Database contains the complete Patrologia Latina, including all prefatory material, original texts, critical apparatus and indexes. Notes: There are notes throughout Patrologia Latina Database. In PhiloLogic notes never interfere when searching the text to which they refer. Note references are linked to notes and text from notes are linked to page references.
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Results 1 - 16 of 1000+ British & Irish Dramas & Plays scriptorumque ecclesiasticorum quorum opera scriptaque vel minima in Patrologia Latina reperiuntur.

Vol. 212, edited by P. L.  Patrologia Latina Rekommenderad. Minus: It Roelli, Institute for Greek and Latin Philology. Content eg. Languages spoken: Danish, English , Swedish.
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Alain de Lille – Wikipedia

30 cm. Patrologiae cursus completus.; Patrologia latina, tomes: 71 [AND] 150. av J Adams · 2019 — Please note that names are alphabetized following English, not Nordic, rules.

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[Compiled by Rod Letchford for the Cyprian Project] [More links here; here] Below is a list of links to Jacques Paul Migne’s Patrologia Latina (Patrologiae Cursus Completus. Series Latina). T… The Migne edition of the Patrologia Latina includes references to standard editions of texts in use prior to the publication of the Patrologia Latina. These numeric references appear in bold type throughout the texts. Unfortunately, they were encoded only with a "bold" tag.

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Comprende complessivamente 221 volumi inclusi gli indici. Viene solitamente indicata come "Migne". Entstehung und Aufbau.

New York: Paulist Press, 1954/1979. ISBN: 0809121980.