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These codes are the lower-case two-letter codes as defined by ISO-639. You can find a full list of these codes at a number of sites like here. The second argument to both constructors is a valid ISO Country Code. These codes are the upper-case two-letter codes as defined by ISO-3166. ISO 639-1 Language Codes. ISO 639-1 defines abbreviations for languages: See also: Reference for Country Codes. vi_VN: Language: vi: Country: VN: Display name: Vietnamese (Vietnam) Display name with dialect: Vietnamese (Vietnam) Character orientation: left-to-right: Line orientation: top-to-bottom: ISO 639-2/T language code: vie: Java Locale: vi-VN: Other data sources: compare As in other U.S. territories, U.S. Virgin Islands mail service is handled by the United States Postal Service, using the two-character state code "VI" for domestic mail delivery.
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, 1985, c. 34 - PART V - Language of Work; 39 - PART VI - Participation of English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians given away via serial codes to Taiwanese region Pokémon games in Generation VI. This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it. Solution in this link works for me. executing below code.
Bulgarian (Bulgaria) bg-BG. Catalan (Catalan) ca-ES. Chinese (Taiwan) zh-TW.
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Motorist's safety is a top priority in Texas; as a result, vehicles registered in Texas are required to pass an annual inspection to ensure compliance with safety standards. vi: Vietnamese: vi-VN: Vietnamese (Viet Nam) xh: Xhosa: xh-ZA: Xhosa (South Africa) zh: Chinese: zh-CN: Chinese (S) zh-HK: Chinese (Hong Kong) zh-MO: Chinese (Macau) zh-SG: Chinese (Singapore) zh-TW: Chinese (T) zu: Zulu: zu-ZA: Zulu (South Africa) 2017-12-21 · ISO 639-2 Code ISO 639-1 Code English name of Language French name of Language German name of Language; aar: aa: Afar: afar: Danakil-Sprache: abk: ab: Abkhazian: abkhaze: Abchasisch: ace : Achinese: aceh: Aceh-Sprache: ach : Acoli: acoli: Acholi-Sprache: ada : Adangme: adangme: Adangme-Sprache: ady : Adyghe; Adygei: adyghé: Adygisch: afa : Afro-Asiatic languages: afro-asiatiques, langues vi is a screen-oriented text editor originally created for the Unix operating system.
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February 1995. File management commands. :w name. Write edit buffer to file name. :wq. Write to file and quit.
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This file is used to set alias functions globally. alias vi=vim. If you would like to set user specific aliases and functions, then you need to open the file .bashrc under user directory.
These codes are the lower-case two-letter codes as defined by ISO-639. You can find a full list of these codes at a number of sites like here. The second argument to both constructors is a valid ISO Country Code. These codes are the upper-case two-letter codes as defined by ISO-3166. ISO 639-1 Language Codes.